Elevate Your Workflow with Bharat eSign

Effortless eSignatures, Seamless Document Assembly, Robust Security, and More - Your Digital Transformation Starts Here!

What are the benefits of Bharat eSign?

Choose Bharat eSign for a seamless blend of trust, efficiency, and cutting-edge security in every digital signature experience.


Pan India Recognized, Legally Binding E-Signatures. Trust, Enforceability, and Legal Compliance, all seamlessly delivered.


Breeze through document signings with Bharat eSign! Swift e-signatures, zero delays.

Optimize Costs

Maximize Savings, Minimize Hassle. Choose Bharat eSign for streamlined business workflows.

Your Signature,
Your Way, Anytime

Sign Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Device with Bharat eSign, no downloads or sign-ups needed.

All-in One Platform

No need for multiple integrations. Simplify with a single, holistic solution.

10x Faster Value

No-code setup and deployment for swift results.

High Level Security

Bharat eSign guarantees enterprise-grade security through adherence to industry-leading standards and protocols, exemplified by its PCI DSS certification.

Instant Dispatch,
Smooth Share

Share digitally hassle-free, be it through WhatsApp or Email.

Do More with Bharat eSign

Do more with Bharat eSign — where innovation meets simplicity, empowering you to elevate your workflow effortlessly.

Bharat eSign

Seamless Sign-offs: Experience peace of mind with our industry-leading, secure, and compliant eSignatures for versatile agreement finalization

Multi eSign options

Choose the signature that best fits your needs, whether it's a virtual signature, Aadhar-based signature, or DSC-based signature.

Automate Approvals

Elevate your workflow with seamless document automation for both internal and client signatures.

Track and Manage with Ease

Stay updated on signed documents, send reminders, and access detailed audit trails effortlessly with Bharat e-Sign.

Custom Branding

Spread the word about your company. Add your logo to every eSignature invite you send to customers & employees.

Digital Signature is just a click away

Experience Bharat eSign in Action

Immerse yourself in the power of Bharat eSign - a transformative journey where secure eSignatures redefine your workflow dynamics.


Asset Purchase Agreement

Engagement Letters

Independent contract agreements

Document approvals

Employment contracts

Practice continuation agreements

Power of Attorney agreements

Business Contracts

Vendor Contracts

Want to know more?

Explore e-signature solutions or request a custom quote tailored to your business needs.


Bharat eSign stands as an innovative solution, transforming the landscape of digital document signing in India. It represents a secure, legally recognized, and convenient method for electronic signatures, duly acknowledged under Schedule II of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

Bharat eSign simplifies the digital signing process by allowing users to sign documents using just their phone and Aadhaar number. This eliminates the need for traditional USB Drive-based digital signature token systems, offering a more user-friendly and accessible approach.

Choosing Bharat eSign means embracing a seamless and efficient alternative to physical signatures. With its widespread adoption by prominent institutions such as Banks, NBFCs, Insurance Companies, MNCs, Government agencies, and even the legal entities, Bharat eSign has become a trusted solution for secure and legally valid electronic signatures.

Bharat eSign caters to a diverse range of users, including individuals, businesses, and governmental bodies. Whether you are looking for a hassle-free way to sign documents or seeking a secure replacement for traditional signatures, Bharat eSign provides a user-friendly and legally sound solution.

Yes, Bharat eSign is legally valid for electronic signatures and has been officially recognized under Schedule II of the Information Technology Act, 2000. This acknowledgment ensures the legality and reliability of electronic signatures facilitated through Bharat eSign.